Social Media
Social media is the communication form of the future — not just in the U.S., but worldwide. Just Facebook and Twitter combined reach 1.8 billion people. More than two-thirds of all Americans (68 percent) use Facebook. YouTube is pushing out TV as the most popular place to watch video. Google is the No. 1 search engine in both the U.S. and the world.
War is being declared on the conservative movement in this space and conservatives are losing — badly. If the right is silenced, billions of people will be cut off from conservative ideas and conservative media. That bias is not a war of ideas. It’s a war against ideas. It’s a clear effort to censor the conservative worldview from the public conversation.
The Media Research Center undertook an extensive study of the problem at major tech companies — Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube — and the results were far more troubling than most conservatives realize when the study was released in April 2018 and its only gotten worse since then. Here are some of the key findings:
- Twitter Leads in Censorship: Project Veritas caught Twitter staffers admitting on hidden camera that they had been censoring conservatives through a technique known as shadow banning, where users think their content is getting seen widely, but it’s not. The staffers had justified it by claiming the accounts had been automated if they had words such as “America” and “God.” In 2016, Twitter had attempted to manipulate election-related tweets using the hashtags “#PodestaEmails” and “#DNCLeak.” The site also restricts pro-life ads from Live Action and even Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), but allows Planned Parenthood advertisements.
- Facebook’s Trending Feed Has Been Hiding Conservative Topics: A 2016 Gizmodo story had warned of Facebook’s bias. It had detailed claims by former employees that Facebook’s news curators had been instructed to hide conservative content from the “trending” section, which supposedly only features news users find compelling. Topics that had been blacklisted included the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Rand Paul. On the other hand, the term “Black Lives Matter” had also been placed into the trending section even though it was not actually trending. Facebook had also banned at least one far right European organization but had not released information on any specific statements made by the group that warranted the ban.
- Google Search Aids Democrats: Google and YouTube’s corporate chairman Eric Schmidt had assisted Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The company’s search engine had deployed a similar bias in favor of Democrats. One study had found 2016 campaign searches were biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. Even the liberal website Slate had revealed the search engine’s results had favored both Clinton and Democratic candidates. Google also had fired engineer James Damore for criticizing the company’s “Ideological Echo Chamber.” The company had claimed he had been fired for “advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” Damore is suing Google, saying it mistreats whites, males and conservatives.
- YouTube Is Shutting Down Conservative Videos: Google’s YouTube site had created its own problems with conservative content. YouTube moderators must take their cues from the rest of Google – from shutting down entire conservative channels “by mistake” to removing videos that promote right-wing political views. YouTube’s special Creators for Change section is devoted to people using their “voices for social change” and even highlights the work of a 9/11 truther. The site’s very own YouTube page and Twitter account celebrate progressive attitudes, including uploading videos about “inspiring” gay and trans people and sharing the platform’s support for DACA.
- Tech Firms Are Relying on Groups That Hate Conservatives: Top tech firms like Google, YouTube and Twitter partner with leftist groups attempting to censor conservatives. These include the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Both groups claim to combat “hate,” but treat standard conservative beliefs in faith and family as examples of that hatred. George Soros-funded ProPublica is using information from both radical leftist organizations to attack conservative groups such as Jihad Watch and ACT for America, bullying PayPal and other services to shut down their funding sources. The SPLC’s “anti-LGBT” list had also been used to prevent organizations from partnering with AmazonSmile to raise funds.
- Liberal Twitter Advisors Outnumber Conservatives 12-to-1: Twelve of the 25 U.S. members of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council – which helps guide its policies – are liberal, and only one is conservative. Anti-conservative groups like GLAAD and the ADL are part of the board. There is no well-known conservative group represented.
- Tech Companies Rely on Anti-Conservative Fact-Checkers: Facebook and Google both had partnered with fact-checking organizations in order to combat “fake news.” Facebook’s short-lived disputed flagger program had allowed Snopes, PolitiFact and ABC News to discern what is and is not real news. Google’s fact-checkers had accused conservative sources of making claims that did not appear in their articles and disproportionately “fact-checked” conservative sources. On Facebook, a satire site, the Babylon Bee, had been flagged by Snopes for its article clearly mocking CNN for its bias. YouTube also had announced a partnership with Wikipedia in order to debunk videos deemed to be conspiracy theories, even though Wikipedia has been criticized for its liberal bias.
Censorship is the “buzzword,” but what’s really happening is suggestive mind control, propagating narratives, and manipulating elections. This is neither theory nor opinion, it is fact, and there is much evidence. But beyond this evidence, it only requires a pair of eyes to observe the fabrications dialed up on a daily basis.
- Google was one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign donors in her 2016 presidential run, Eric Schmidt offered to setup her tech campaign, and Google’s autocomplete feature impacted 2.6 – 10.4 million votes in Hillary Clinton’s favor.
- Facebook removed a campaign ad containing a photo of the women for Trump coalition due to their “gender identity” policies.
- Google’s YouTube “Blacklist” blocked over 2,500 searches of the Las Vegas shooting so as to suppress information and videos from getting out. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
- Google autocompletes searches to give the perception that others are actually searching those terms, in an attempt to seed their minds with information and agendas they wish to control, while suppressing what is really being searched.
Google’s gone above and beyond their rein, filtering out thousands of searches in YouTube, while selecting the narrative they want to seed minds with in their google searches. Meanwhile, Facebook is removing campaign ads of a group of women because it doesn’t comply with their “gender identity” policies, which falls right in sync with the deep state’s transhumanism genderless society they strive for. And Twitter continues to censor and shadowban everyone who doesn’t feed the minds of others with the twisted narratives tech giants are pushing for their puppet masters.
Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary supporter during the 2016 election, later discovered and reported that Google’s manipulative tactics pushed 2.6 – 10.4 million votes in Hillary’s favor.
As a result of privacy violations, unauthorized selling of user data, censorship, as well as political and religious bias – alternatives for Facebook have sprung up that most closely resemble the ThePatriotConnection model (such as, USA.Life,, and ThePatriotConnection has the the advantage of providing news, history, an encyclopedia, and more monetization tools that will drive the content creators to build the site and bring their followers. Alternatives to YouTube exist such as Brighteon & Bitchute (no monetization), and DTube (who just recently introduced its own DTube crypto tokens to award creators), while Vimeo (also censoring conservatives) and other platforms offer little advantage for creators. ThePatriotConnection will offer Patriot Points, which can be earned for user activity, purchased by anyone (subscriber or not), and are also distributed with the purchase of a membership to further encourage user activity and to stimulate tipping to preferred creators from throughout the community.